The Campaign Committee

Introducing the Save The Thorold Arms Steering Committee.
The campaign to Save The Thorold Arms started in July, a couple of weeks after the pub shut, with an informal discussion between villagers at the WI garden party, where the question was asked of a couple of Parish Councillors “The pub is closed, what are you doing about it?” The answer at that point was “not much”. A few weeks later the Council had applied to the local authority for the pub to be put on the list of Assets of Community Value (ACV).
At that point there were a group of 3 enthusiasts who became the de facto campaign steering committee. Since that point we have held the, well attended, public meeting in early November. Following which 55 households filled out a pub rescue related questionnaire.
Amongst a lot of other things, the questionnaire called for volunteers prepared to give up their time to help the rescue become a reality. From those 9 initial volunteers 7 have decided that they really can contribute on a regular basis.
Roll on a couple of years (late 2017) and the committee has been strengthened with 3 more volunteers.
So let us introduce your “Save The Thorold Arms” campaign steering committee members in alphabetical order:
- Mike Allen
- Sandra Allen
- Mel Ellerington
- Tim Found (Vice Chairman)
- Robert Morley
- Kevin O’Sullivan
- Steve Richards
- Ian Tyler (Chairman)
- Stuart Vickers
Mugshots now all in place! You can contact any or all of the committee through the website contact us page.
Minutes of meetings are available on the Document Download page.