People’s Postcode Lottery

June 4, 2019 | Postcode Lottery, Sponsor
| Money towards the Kitchen Refit.
People’s Postcode Lottery in conjunction with the Prince’s Countryside Fund has awarded the Save The Thorold Arms Campaign a substantial grant from the Rural Four award fund to help refit the kitchen. This is something that we are very grateful for and is a great boost to our fundraising target.
People’s Postcode Lottery is a charity lottery. Players play with their postcodes to win cash prizes while raising money for charities and good causes across Great Britain and globally:
- A minimum of 30% goes directly to charities and players have raised £212.8 Million for good causes across the country
- £10 for 10 draws paid monthly in advance with prizes every day. For further prize information visit:
- Maximum amount a single ticket can win is 10% of the draw revenue to a maximum of £400,000
- Players can sign up by Direct Debit, credit card or PayPal online at, or by calling 0808 10-9-8-7-6-5
- Postcode Lottery Limited is regulated by the Gambling Commission under licences number: 000-000829-N-102511-014 and Number: 000-000829-R-102513-013. Registered office: Titchfield House, 69/85 Tabernacle Street, London, EC2A 4RR
- People’s Postcode Lottery manages multiple society lotteries promoted by different charities. For details on which society lottery is running each week, visit
Our grant came specifically from the Postcode Care Trust which:
“…was established in 2011 and supports charities and good causes that are supporting activities that improve the health and lives of communities.”