
We have 183 shareholders!
Here are some statistics:
At 10th July 2019 we have a total of 183 shareholders who have bought 4,473 shares, raising £223,650 which is an average of £1,222 per shareholder.
Hougham village has 22 shareholders investing a total of £32,150 giving an average investment of £1,461.
Marston village has 101 shareholders investing a total of £157,100 giving an average investment of £1,555.
The villages of Syston, Brandon and Gelston have 10 shareholders with a total investment of £11,250 giving an average investment of £1,125.
Within 10 miles (NG23, 24, 31 ) there are 16 shareholders investing a total of £2,850 with an average investment of £178.
In the rest of Lincolnshire, there are 7 more shareholders investing a total of £1,400 with an average of £200.
The rest of the UK has 24 shareholders with a total of £15,800 averaging at £658.
We also have 3 European residents from France and Germany investing £3,100 – an average of £1,033 per shareholder.
Thank you, thank you, thank you all!