Support from The Prince of Wales

We have a letter of support from Prince Charles.
Although the letter is marked Private and Confidential I am sure The Prince’s office would not mind me sharing it with you.
We now have expressions of support from our MP and the future King.
The only support we seem to be missing at the moment is that from the locals who will benefit from the fantastic facilities that this amazing project can provide. But surely this can’t be true!
We can chose to live in a closed, socially excluded, dormitory village or we can grasp the opportunity on offer and buy the pub, create an exciting community facility, fit for the 21st Century and make Hougham and Marston villages where people want to live:
- villages where houses sell before the estate agents’ signs go up
- villages where neighbours know and look out for one another
- where people meet at the shop and share a Danish in the café while sipping a great cup of tea
- where teenagers work in the evenings and weekends as pot-washers, waiters and bar staff
- where young people can get training and maybe apprenticeships
- where we can all volunteer and do shifts in the shop
- where commuters can get a coffee and a bacon roll “to go”
- where we can read the Sunday papers over a “full English” without having to cook or wash up
- a lunch club which could be especially attractive to older members of the community
- a friendly bar where we can sample real ales – maybe brewed in a local micro brewery
The possibilities are numerous. Maybe, with the pub in support, village sports teams could thrive? What about amateur dramatics? The village hall has the stage. Can the pub become a catalyst for budding Thespians? Clubs – the pub/café will make excellent, different but complimentary accommodation to the village hall.
COME ON! PLEASE THINK about this. The Thorold Arms will be sold this summer. We can control exactly what happens to it and make it a community hub to be proud of – or we can let it go to a residential developer, to be lost for ever.
The choice is yours and you have 10 days to decide! No-one is going to do it for you.