The Committee to Date

The Management Committee over the years.
The first committee in late 2015 consisted of 3 self-selected members.
Since the formalisation of the organisation into a Community Benefit Society, the Annual Members Meeting in October has elected a new management committee to run The Thorold. There are a maximum of 12 on the committee.
A few members have also left and joined along the way. The following is hopefully a full list in alphabetical order including everyone involved since 2015.
The committee members can be contacted by email via the Contact Us page. They are, in alphabetical order of surname:
- Mike Allen (Resigned 28th October 2018)
- Sandra Allen (Committee Chairman and Secretary)
- Anne Barnabas
- Mel Ellerington (resigned 13th October 2019)
- Amanda Foster
- Tim Found (Vice Chairman)
- Mel Gardner (resigned 9th March 2019)
- Paul Mann (resigned 2nd April 2019)
- Stephen Manuel
- Robert Morley
- Kevin O’Sullivan
- Steve Richards (Resigned 28th October 2018)
- Brent Richardson
- Jason Scott
- Fran Stephens
- Ian Tyler (Chairman)
- Stuart Vickers
Some mugshots in place. Some to follow! You can contact any or all of the committee through the website contact us page.
Minutes of meetings, which these members regularly attend, are available on the Document Download page.