The Thorold Arms For Sale

The Agents are putting the pressure on!
“For Sale” signs have gone up on The Thorold Arms. The agents, Eddisons, are putting the pressure on and in the last few days investors are piling the money into our funds. We are still some way off our minimum total but we have overtaken the amount per household that was raised when the community bought The Anglers Rest in Derbyshire.
This is a fantastic achievement especially as we are trying to resurrect a business that has been closed for nearly a year and, if we are honest, not loved for a while longer. However, as a much smaller community, we do have to raise a much higher average per household.
We need to concentrate on the vision. A community hub which, as well as providing 21st Century facilities and the enormous social benefits that will follow, will also create a small profit to be spent on the community and a fair rate of interest to the investors.
It’s Time for a Final Push!
The management committee meets on Monday 30th May and we have to decide what to do.
A week ago we were ready to throw the towel in. Now we are excited again – please talk to your neighbours and encourage their participation, search down the back of the sofa for that lost £50 note, delay buying the new Jacuzzi. Please do whatever you can. You’re already beating those Derbyshire folk.
Let’s see what we can really achieve!